Friday 2 August 2013

The Abandoned Video Shop - An Introduction

Welcome to The Abandoned Video Shop; it's pretty quiet these days, especially since we closed down. But we still have everything here on VHS and Betamax, Mr. Appolyon, from the video company, brings the new stuff around every Thursday at the stroke of midnight, I must admit even I am a bit amazed at all the titles he shows up with. But as Mr. Appolyon says: "Everything is released on video you just have to know which arms to twist."

One day I might open up again, when VHS, makes a comeback, not so sure Betamax will. I still employ a couple of people Old Reg, who, so he says, has worked in this shop since before the war. I'm not exactly sure how old Old Reg is, so I've never asked him which war he means.I also have a couple of Saturday kids, identical  twins Lesley and Leslie, they work alternate weeks and, come to think of it, I've never seen them together. But then why should I, I never leave the shop. We play the new releases on my Wharfdale video recorder, I still have a stockroom full, they didn't move as swiftly as I'd hoped. 

So over the coming months my staff and I will let you know what we think of all the releases Mr. Appolyon brings in. My late grandfather always said to me "For God's sake you have to diversify boy" He never was a fan of the video shop. 

So with this new review site I feel like I am finally taking his advice. Thanks Grandad. So as I said before welcome

The Owner.

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