Saturday 31 August 2013

The Molly Ringwald Problem: The Conclusion

"Go check the Ally Sheedy section," I said with some alarm. "Now."

"You don't think?" Lesley said trying to hide the trembling in her voice.

"I do," I replied.

"Dear God," Lesley shouted in fear. "He's back!"

We rushed to the Ally Sheedy section.

"Blue City is gone," I said, looking at the gap in the shelf, beads of sweat popping on my forehead.

"And Heart of Dixie as well," Lesley mumbled, her eyes flitting like a trapped moth.

"He's going for the Anthony Michael Hall's," I said with more than a little urgency. "it's closest to where got in."

"Let's go then," Lesley said getting her second wind.

We swiftly weaved through the isles; we smelt him before we saw him. The stench of stale fryer fat unmistakable, Lesley looked at me wearily.

"Put the Weird Science down Costas," I said gently.

Costas looked up at us his alabaster skin almost translucent, his red eyes pleading. He had owned the cafe next door and, like us, stayed on when it all closed down. But, unlike us, the solitude and failure had sent him mad. Every now and then he would break in.

"Breakfast?" he rasped, his voice ragged, nothing like it used to be. 

"Two number fours please," I said.

Costas stood up, he was naked except for his heavily stained apron.

"Two number fours it is," he replied scratching the order on his pale skin with his jagged finger nail.

Lesley gasped slightly and I gripped her arm.

Costas jumped through the hole in the wall to get us our make belive breakfasts. 

We quickly started filling it in and dragging the shelves of videos in front of it.

"That should keep him out for a while," I said.

"What was he like before?" Lesley asked.

"He was a great cook," I replied. Getting a little lost in memory of when Costas's Cafe was as thriving as the video shop. "They were good times."

We looked at the massive pile of videos Costas had left.

"Those Betsy's Wedding's are not going to file themselves," Lesley said.

"You take Molly Ringwald and I'll take the Ally Sheedy's," I smiled.

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