Thursday 22 August 2013

The Molly Ringwald Problem

Book_shelves : Vintage wooden shelf  Stock Photo
We have had a bit of trouble at The Abandoned Video Shop this week. It started when Saturday help Lesley, her twin Leslie was in the week before, I think. Anyway, Lesley came over and said: "There's something odd in the Molly Ringwald section."

Now as you all know Molly Ringwald was a video queen, so you can imagine how extensive our Molly Ringwald section is.

"Molly who?" Old Reg shouted waking up and farting.
"Tell me," I said earnestly. 

"All the Betsy's Wedding's have gone missing," Lesley replied evidently in shock.

I looked around at Old Reg in amazement, but he had fallen back asleep.

"Let's go investigate," I said to Lesley putting on my best brave face.

We went over to the Molly Ringwald section via a short cut through the Judd Nelson's, then a sharp left along the Rob Lowe's.

"There," Lesley proclaimed pointing at the empty space where thirty copies of Betsy's Wedding should have been. "What did I tell you."

I looked around, Sixteen Candles and Pretty In Pink were exactly where they should be but no Betsy's Wedding.
There was a crashing sound somewhere off to our right.
"Go check the Ally Sheedy section," I said with some alarm. "Now."

"You don't think?" Lesley said trying to hide the trembling in her voice.

"I do," I replied.

"Dear God," Lesley shouted in fear. "He's back!"


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