Tuesday 5 November 2013

Terrible Tales of the Under Basement Part 2

"I don't know why you keep them bleedin' twins," Old Reg banged on as we nervously descended the dark, clammy staircase to the under basement.
"Well," I mumbled not really knowing what to say next.
"I'll tell you who I liked," Old Reg said nearly losing his footing on the damp step. "Young Desmond, now that was a hard workin' Saturday boy, remember him?"
"Yes I said shining my torch toward the gloom.
"I'll never know why you got bleedin' sacked him."
"I didn't," I said recalling the spotty face and goofy grin of Desmond. "I thought you did."
"Me?" Old Reg replied stopping dead. " I liked him the silly lookin' sod."
"So if you didn't sack him and I didn't," I said my voice trailing off into the darkness.
"Then what bleedin' well happened to him?"
"When did you last see him?" I asked Old Reg, who let out a large fart that echoed and slid off the dank walls.
"Well that's funny 'cause it was when we were takin' all the video nasties down to the under basement. Then he came up with you."
"No he never," I said a chill edging down my back. "I thought he came up with you."
"No," Old Reg said. "That bleedin' means-"
"We locked Desmond in the under basement with the nasties."
"Nearly thirty bleedin' years ago."
"Then Desmond is the evil of the under basement," I said as we both gazed into the gloom with renewed terror.
The Owner

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